Articles from Your Democracy
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a painful episode in american history.....
FOR GUS Leonisky, this is a personal issue. When JFK was assassinated, Gus was visiting someone who had been working for the family. The person is long dead, but the tears are still alive. GUS has been waiting 62 years to find out WHO killed JFK…
a steamroller at full speed....
Just hours into his second presidency, Donald Trump was already bulldozing congressional Republicans.
the nazis who lead us to glory....
Russia intervened militarily in Ukraine to denazify the country. But, according to Westerners, there are no Nazis in Ukraine. Russia wants to invade and annex this country. This mutual incomprehension caused the Russian special operation to degenerate into open war.
parallel universes merge in one title clash.....
The play Don’s Party premiered on August 11 1971 at Carlton’s Pram Factory, home to the radical theatre ensemble, the Australian Performing Arts Group.