I put some girth back on after my melanoma op and skin graft, partly because I couldn’t exercise much, and partly because I was knocking back beers and good feeds every day with Jason while he was visiting. No biggie. Once I got over the surgery I got back to training and cleaned up my diet.
I’ve been chugging a protein shake every day, usually mid-morning, to hit my 180g of the mighty macro, but yesterday, for a couple of reasons, I didn’t get around to it until late afternoon—like beer o’clock.
Protein powder doesn’t mix well with beer, leaving me in quite the pickled quandary.
Have a Sunday afternoon drink with my good lady wife, or be, you know, That Guy.
And then it hit me. I wondered if whisky might mix in well with a chocolate-flavoured protein shake.
You’re wondering too, aren’t you?
Well, no, I didn’t do it. I just had a beer.
But honestly, now that I’ve thought about it, how long can it be before I do?