
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from MacroBusiness

Gas enemies unite to condemn Canberra

August 26, 2024 - 11:30 -- Admin

This is completely bizarre. So bizarre that it reeks of Rum Corps manipulation: Australia’s east coast energy market is facing a perfect storm of higher global LNG prices, volatile and intermittent renewables penetration, coal plant outages and extreme weather, increasing fears of gas shortages, spiking power bills and blackouts. Major Australian energy players Senex Energy

Will Australia deport the student visa rorters?

August 26, 2024 - 11:00 -- Admin

Thirteen years ago, GlobalHigherEd reported that Australia was being inundated with sham private vocational ‘ghost colleges’ catering to fake South Asian students seeking to work and live in Australia: In 2002 there was just over 11,000 Indian students in Australia, and by 2005 this number had grown to over 27,000… However, by last year enrolments

AI stocks approach witching hour

August 26, 2024 - 10:30 -- Admin

The Market Ear on the AI moment. The most important tech earnings in years The NVDA print is hyped as “the most important tech earnings in years”…(Dan Ives) Investors are jittery. Few of the big tech companies have been able to demonstrate enormous demand from paying customers for AI-powered services, which raises the question of

Chinese property sinks some more

August 26, 2024 - 10:00 -- Admin

There is no end in sight: Developers still can’t get capital: Infrastructure funding has improved a little: It’s more of the same: China’s housing regulator pledged to swiftly implement a program to purchase unsold apartments and turn them into affordable housing, its latest effort to cushion a record property slump. The government will also push

China’s iron ore shock intensifies

August 26, 2024 - 09:30 -- Admin

Friday’s ferrous markets were weak as SHFE and SGX resumed falls: Overnight, the Fed popped and dropped Dalian futures: Coking coal: The latest MySteel readings are very mixed. Flat products have rebounded while long sink: Output is cratered given zero profitability: At 28% below 2019 levels, apparent iron ore demand is lower by nearly 500mt

Macro Morning

August 26, 2024 - 09:00 -- Admin

A very supportive speech by Fed Chair Powell, where he outlined that the Fed will do what it can to help US unemployment and that meant swift rate cuts if necessary has seen the little reversal in USD go back the dominant way that risk markets had been thinking all along. Wall Street rallied alongside

Canadian and Australian households driven deep into recession

August 26, 2024 - 07:00 -- Admin

Canada and Australia have resorted to “quantitative peopling” to give the illusion of growth while individual living standards are collapsing. Canada has recorded its largest population expansion in history, with nearly 1.3 million people added over the past year, almost all via net overseas migration: While this massive population expansion has kept Canada out of
