
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from MacroBusiness

Macro Afternoon

August 27, 2024 - 17:00 -- Admin

A fairly solid session for Asian share markets although Chinese shares and their Australian satellites are trying hard to get back on track. Other equity markets are reflecting the somewhat mixed mood on Wall Street as oscillations around the Fed’s rate cut agenda is pushing USD around again. This time King Dollar is losing ground

And now for Chinese shrinkulus

August 27, 2024 - 14:00 -- Admin

It’s just not going to plan in China. Stimulus has turned shrinkulus: China’s broad budget expenditure contracted and income from land sales for local governments fell at a record pace, a sign of fiscal weakness that may further increase calls on Beijing to add stimulus to support the $17 trillion economy. The combined spending in

Australia’s immigration policy is driving housing shortages

August 27, 2024 - 13:30 -- Admin

Mirvac’s development head, Stuart Penklis, has called for more immigration of skilled tradespeople: “We have been advocates of looking at skilled construction labour complementing the labour that we have here in the country to assist in delivering the workbook and future housing”, Penklis told The AFR. “It continues to be extremely challenging, particularly as we

The ‘Stats Guy’ admits Australia’s business model is broken

August 27, 2024 - 12:30 -- Admin

The “Stats Guy” Simon Kuestenmacher is a renowned immigration lobbyist. For years he has pumped out propaganda supporting a Big Australia. Late last year, Kuestenmacher celebrated Australia’s “business model”, which he claimed relies on maintaining a mass immigration policy to generate wealth and prosperity: In Australia we create wealth by doing four things very well:

Thick as two imported bricks

August 27, 2024 - 12:00 -- Admin

Nothing can save a nation that is this stupid and corrupt: One of Australia’s top manufacturers, explosives maker Orica, said high gas prices were a critical issue for the nation amid concerns supply shortages would damage the economy with little sign of significant new volumes emerging. “Our Australian manufacturing operations continue to face challenges from

The great divider condemns division

August 27, 2024 - 11:00 -- Admin

Dr Jim “Chicken” Chamlers is about as labour as my butt: Jim Chalmers has attacked Peter Dutton as the “most divisive ­leader of a major party in Australia’s modern history” who is deliberately undermining ­cohesion and preying on social fractures for political advantage, positioning himself ahead of the election as a Treasurer who can take

Victorian Government uses gender to shield infrastructure failures

August 27, 2024 - 10:30 -- Admin

Premier Jacinta Allan’s disastrous decision to sign the contracts to build the first phase of the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) continues to punish Victorians. Allan signed the contracts against expert advice, locking Victoria into a project with little economic or social merit that will plunge the state deeper into debt, cut its credit rating, and

Stocks volatility to persist

August 27, 2024 - 10:00 -- Admin

It’s all a bit “pennis in front of the steamroller” for me right now but I will buy the next dip. Goldman’s Scott Rubner has been very good lately. The pain trade for equities is higher into mid-September after the green light was given on Friday to re-lever. Everyone is going back to the pool. US
