
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from MacroBusiness

Minority Frankenstein devours Albo

August 19, 2024 - 08:30 -- Admin

Ah, minorities: Anthony Albanese promised recognition of a Palestinian state as a first-term priority for an incoming Labor government, according to leaders of two of Australia’s largest Muslim organisations. In an online meeting held in the weeks leading up to the May 2022 election, Albanese stopped short of guaranteeing senior leaders from the Australian National

Victorians on a one-way track to financial disaster

August 19, 2024 - 08:00 -- Admin

Victorians are facing decades of debt slavery courtesy of the state government. A decade of excessive spending on public servants, infrastructure cost overruns and waste totalling tens of billions of dollars, and expenditures related to the pandemic lockdowns have left Victoria with the most state government debt and the worst credit rating in the country.

While young Australians cut back, oldies spend freely

August 19, 2024 - 07:00 -- Admin

CBA released data on the household expenditure of customers in the June quarter of 2024. It once again showed that younger Australians are cutting back on discretionary purchases, whereas older Australians continue to spend freely: As shown above, Australians aged under 35 outright cut their expenditure on discretionary items, whereas older Australians aged 65-plus increased

Canada and Australia face dire housing shortages

August 19, 2024 - 00:10 -- Admin

According to Statistics Canada, the country’s population increased by a record 1,273,000 people in the year ending March 2024, representing a growth rate of 3.2%. Net overseas migration accounted for 97% of Canada’s population growth. This surge in population was unplanned, easily beating Statistics Canada’s 2022 “median-growth” projection by 1.4 million people: The National Bank

Australia should be swimming in money

August 16, 2024 - 13:00 -- Admin

Earlier this year, The AFR posted the following chart showing the enormous growth in Australia’s terms of trade over the past 20 years: The AFR’s John Kehoe noted that “compared to other countries”, Australia’s terms-of-trade “has increased by almost two and a half times, or 146% since the turn of the century”. The following chart
