
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from MacroBusiness

University people smugglers outraged by education cleanout

August 21, 2024 - 11:30 -- Admin

The benefits of the new international student caps are obvious: Almost 150 tertiary colleges have been shut down for failing to show proof they were offering any training to students, figures have revealed. The vocational education providers were closed down as part of a crackdown by the Australian Skills Quality Authority, targeting colleges that did

Mike Cannon-Brookes steals our sunshine

August 21, 2024 - 10:30 -- Admin

Australia’s endowment of renewable assets is about to go the way of resources, thanks to Mike Cannon-Brookes: Australia’s biggest renewables project, SunCable, has won environmental approvals from the Albanese government, with the giant development in the Northern Territory set to produce enough power for three million homes. Backed by tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes, the Australia-Asia

Victoria is a workers’ wasteland

August 21, 2024 - 10:00 -- Admin

Last week, before the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the July labour force survey, Alex Joiner posted the below chart showing how Victoria had the highest unemployment rate and lowest private sector wage growth out of the states: Joiner also published the following chart showing how Victoria’s unemployment rate (4.55%) was well above the

Liquidate everything! China pushes house prices off cliff

August 21, 2024 - 09:30 -- Admin

The market must clear! A price war is spreading across China’s new-home market, as local governments dial back on intervention and developers race to recoup cash. In Beijing, a sudden 18% price cut in May at a mid-sized residential project on the city’s outskirts has forced adjacent new developments to follow suit, according to people

Iron ore’s dead cat bounce

August 21, 2024 - 09:00 -- Admin

Qingdao iron ore was up a touch to $92.44 yesterday. SHFE and SGX futures bounced however there is no improvement in steel margins: Dalian popped: Coking coal lagged: Citi has beared up: Iron ore (IO) prices have collapsed over 20% from May highs to breach our prior$95/t 0-3mth pt price forecast last week. We think

Macro Morning

August 21, 2024 - 09:00 -- Admin

Yet another quiet night in dataflow and macro events which gave Wall Street the mid week wobbles as both European and US stocks retreated slightly despite a solid session here in Asia.  Currency markets again saw Euro to the fore as it breached the 1.11 handle while Yen is still hardening alongside the Australian dollar

Captured Aussie economists ignore obvious housing solution

August 21, 2024 - 07:00 -- Admin

Alan Kohler has penned an article in The New Daily blaming excessive immigration over several decades for driving Australia’s housing crisis: While I disagree with several aspects of the article, Kohler’s overall conclusion is correct: “Getting Australia’s population growth down to something approaching the actual capacity of the construction industry to build houses for them

RBA rules out near term rate cuts

August 21, 2024 - 00:10 -- Admin

Financial markets are still pricing one cut in the official cash rate (OCR) by the end of the year, followed by further reductions next year: However, the Minutes from this month’s RBA board meeting were released on Tuesday and explicitly stated that “holding the cash rate target steady at its current level for a longer
