
Oz Blog News Commentary

The game plan

September 3, 2013 - 23:32 -- Editor

Here's the game plan. Abbott is foreshadowing that if he wins the election he will call a double dissolution if Labor blocks his plans to undo carbon pricing. By Labor he means the Senate. If he can call one quickly enough, while Labor is in disarray and he is riding high in the polls, exploit the division in the electorate, he might be able to control both houses of parliament. The LNP would then have a chance to implement as much of the IPA's 75 point agenda as it can before it is thrown out of office, ably assisted by his spiritual advisor George Pell, his economic mentor Gina Reinhart, and his mouthpiece, Rupert Murdoch. 
Abbott will be the first Young Liberal to become Prime Minister and he his still fighting the 'good fight', determined to destroy his ideological enemies from his university days. However, he must move quickly. Setting up a double dissolution can take quite some time during which he risks losing popularity from his handling of the process and other policies begin to bite. A double dissolution can also go wrong as the smaller quota means it's easier for smaller parties and independents to pick up seats. He could end up with less control of the Senate. Rudd waited too long and missed his chance. 
The pugilist that he is, Abbott will be going for it. In his mind, the prize is too great. He would secure his place in history as one of the great culture warriors of The Right and a venerated scion of the Liberal Party alongside Menzies and Howard. He is nothing if not ambitious.