
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from Cheeseburger Gothic

Cat tantrum.

October 23, 2024 - 14:19 -- Admin

I removed the old towel I’d folded and laid out on my desk for the cat/s to sleep on while I’m in the office. It needed to go in the laundry.

This, of course, was the worst thing any human had ever done since we were domesticated many thousands of years ago.

I was glared at continually for twenty minutes.

South African cajun!

October 15, 2024 - 08:46 -- Admin

I spotted a South African food store just outside of Noosa when we were last up there, and was so intrigued I just had to check it out.

There was lots of Biltong, as you’d imagine, and a heap of weird biscuits and lollies I’d never heard of before. But the thing that caught my eye was this in the barbecue section.

Sure, sex is great. But have you ever tried not following the US election?

October 14, 2024 - 08:27 -- Admin

I decided that my mental health could do with a break from doom-scrolling the US election so this morning rather than fall into my usual routine of checking all the overnight updates and hot takes I deliberately set my Substack cut out that noise. Instead of the usual round of news media sites, I read about twenty of pages of Tom Holland’s Pax - his history of Rome’s Golden Age.
