
Oz Blog News Commentary

Rebel Moon is not Stars Wars.

February 6, 2024 - 13:19 -- Admin

It’s just the latest remake of The Seven Samurai.

It took me a while to get around to watching it and I was a bit surprised by what I found. For a couple of weeks there my feeds were full of Snyder-hate, banging on it as Zack’s piss-poor Star Wars rip-off.

First of all, so fucking what if it was? It surely couldn’t have been any worse than the fucking beat-for-beat copy of The Force Awakens? But it’s not that.

Sure, there’s a vast oppressive space empire and a ragged little rebellion. But that’s it. And again, so what? That story’s been told over and over again forever. As has The Magnificent Seven/Samurai.

Even the number of Rebel Moon’s good-looking loners who live by their own rules until they agree to fight the power together adds up to seven. Hard to believe nobody else saw this.