
Oz Blog News Commentary


April 11, 2024 - 08:59 -- Admin

It's probably not the recommended course of action going from a melanoma diagnosis to the beach, but here I am. Jane has a conference at Broadbeach today so I drove down with her and I'll be working in this apartment with a nice view of the water for the next day or so. Probs not out on the deck, though.

It's an opportunity to test out a couple of writing toys I've been playing with. They’re all AI based but none of them do the writing for you. They're more like data management tools, where the data is just words.

One of the most interesting is a dictation based notes app which lets you ramble into your microphone of choice for up to 10 minutes and then spits out a really well organised document: your incoherent stream of consciousness turned into a very tight and coherent note with headings and subtitles and bullet points and everything! Huzzah!

It's a very powerful piece of gear for blocking out a chapter, or a blog post or column. It's not so much that it lets you organise your thoughts, and more that it organises them for you out of the word salad floating around in your head.

I'll have a bit more to say about it in the next couple of days. I'm part of the beta testing programme for the app and had an hour long conversation with one of the founders/programmers last night as part of their on-boarding process. They're pretty keen to hear about my use case as a novelist. They haven't had one of those before

Anyway surf's up so I better get after it.