
Oz Blog News Commentary

a very short history of the anglosaxon/american empire world domination activities .....

September 25, 2024 - 17:23 -- Admin

The Anglo-Saxon Empire has morphed from its English/Germanic origins to an American/European/Anglo world domination FASCIST machine. It’s a history of deception and slavery to control other nations.

One has only to look on the behaviour of the West (aka the American Empire) to see that despite its claim to spread “democratic values”, it is fully dedicated to world domination using any ways possible, including “regime change, coups and wars.

Presently, the United Kingdom, that of Charlie the Third, seems to be benign, tucked away in various do-gooding activities, including GREENISH spinach cultivation, but it swims in a modernisation of “ideologies” THAT has been made to MAINTAIN the central premise of ANGLO/SAXON WORLD DOMINATION at any cost to any one else… 


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