
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from MacroBusiness

There’s no end to Australia’s housing shortage

November 15, 2024 - 10:30 -- Admin

Independent economist Tarric Brooker has posted an analysis estimating the shortfall of Australian housing over the pandemic. Brooker has assumed two scenarios, explained below. The Ideal World Scenario: Not one dwelling completion in the last 5 years is a knockdown rebuild or development (in reality 10-15% are). Not one newly completed home will sit empty

Iron ore fades away

November 15, 2024 - 09:30 -- Admin

Steel futures are fading away. As are iron ore futures. Dalian too. Coking coal is more advanced. CISA mill output for early November was pretty good but inventories are high. Scuttlebutt is nervous. Mounting stocks of the steelmaking material at China’s major ports stands in stark contrast to the underperformance of imported iron ore prices

Crikey smashes Albo’s Ministry of Information

November 15, 2024 - 08:30 -- Admin

Bernard Keane is the last of Crikey still standing. As the Albanese government hurtles towards what increasingly looks like one-term status, its flailing desperation and lack of judgement — or, rather, the substitution of its flawed political judgement for sound policy judgement — risk inflicting real damage on the community. Its thrashing about on online

Australia’s productivity recession deepens

November 15, 2024 - 00:10 -- Admin

The June quarter national accounts showed that Australia’s labour productivity (GDP per hour worked) fell to 2016 levels, driven by the non-market sector. Australia has also experienced the most significant decline in GDP per hour worked since Q1 2018 out of advanced English-speaking nations and Europe. Australia’s productivity decline followed an astronomical rise in non-market
