Articles from Your Democracy
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news for you: humans are a peaceful species addicted to violence....
It would be unfair to describe SBS television as the Australian media outlet most addicted to violence. It would be unfair unless every other outlet were scanned for their saturation with violence. At first sight however, it would seem extraordinary should any other television channel share the SBS preoccupation.
the interest of why you are getting poorer....
As the evidence of a slowing Australian economy mounts, Governor Michele Bullock quietly told journalists the RBA wants Australians to be poorer. Nobody seemed to notice except Michael Pascoe.
ignoring calls for peace and cooperation, and working towards the destruction of russia......
On Tuesday, the last US ambassador to the Soviet Union, Jack Matlock, said that the United States was engaged in an undeclared war with Russia and warned of the danger inherent in that. "It seems to me that it is extremely dangerous to attempt what is, in effect, an undeclared war against a nuclear armed power," Matlock warned.
the best friend the mining and resources sector will ever have....
Peter Dutton has invoked the Tony Abbott-era campaign against the carbon tax to label Labor’s environmental and workplace laws the biggest assault on mining since Julia Gillard’s contentious emissions policy.
there's money to be made in nazi yuckraine....
The famous Jewish banking family has been deeply involved in Ukraine's affairs since the 2014 coup d'etat, despite Ukraine embracing neo-Nazi collaborators as its national heroes.