
Oz Blog News Commentary

All clear from the skin doc.

June 12, 2024 - 16:05 -- Admin

Had to get a check-up with the dermo after my surgery this morning. He gave me the once-over and the all-clear. I’ll be back in three months for another check-up. These melanomas really want to kill me, and my dermatologist would like a new disco ball for his hovercraft, so that works out well.

I went back to the dojo last night for my first training session in about two months. I didn’t do much; just helped with the instruction, which was a lot more frustrating than I had imagined. I like teaching, because I usually learn a lot from it, but it was a little more difficult not being able to demo the techniques. Still, not as frustrating as popping open fresh scarline.

I also had my first proper weight-lifting workout in a long while this week. I’m still feeling it.

I’m flying down to Melbourne tomorrow and I am totally going to wear a mask on the plane. I’ll probably be among only two or three people doing so, but there’s a heap of covid, flu and general nastiness around at the moment. Jason apparently picked up a shocker on his flight from to the US from Brisbane.

So, the devil’s face pants it be will for me.