Some talking heads on radio talk to me
I have no clue about what they bark about
Either I’ve gone dumb, senile or darn silly
They have increased their IQ beyond doubt
Grabbing the grand old word democracy
With little meaning peppered by senseless ideas
In which Trump dot Trump does Trump dot piss
In vain and derision of ugly win galore seems
Cracking in my deaf ears around the seams
As my comprehension is close to zero-nil
They blab-on non-stop uninterrupted
Without a breath spewing a word-salad meal
A noise made self-important to being them
Rumbling loud as farts on the way to heaven
They do but don’t say it’s my fault Trump got elected
But in these shivering white waves of radio hell
The sword of democracy like a sacred mantra
Reappears flag-bearing a pointed conversation monologue