
Oz Blog News Commentary

Articles from MacroBusiness

Mad King ravages the oceans

July 24, 2024 - 12:30 -- Admin

The Mad King of the East Coast Gas Cartel is up to her old tricks today: The Albanese government has given the green light to a new round of offshore gas exploration, consistent with its policy position that gas will be needed for several more decades to firm renewables during the energy transition, and enable

Welcome to Inflation Island

July 24, 2024 - 12:00 -- Admin

The Reserve Bank of Inflation Island is not happy: Rapidly rising building costs are keeping inflation in Australia higher than overseas, Reserve Bank of Australia governor Michele Bullock has warned, as the economy enters a “difficult” stage where demand remains too hot. “We’re not seeing the same progress [on inflation] as overseas,” she told an

Meet Australian housing’s liar-in-chief

July 24, 2024 - 11:30 -- Admin

Federal Housing Minister Julie Collins continues to lie about the housing crisis and blame the former Coalition government. According to Collins, Australia “doesn’t have enough homes and hasn’t for a long time”. “For a long time, we haven’t been building the homes that Australia needs and the former government wasted a decade in office while these

Stocks hit the wall of worry

July 24, 2024 - 10:30 -- Admin

The Market Ear peers inside the correction. Anatomy of a semis pullback This chart shows Semis drawdowns relative to the S&P500. Outside of big fundamental / risk-off episodes (Fall’22), most ‘pulbacks’ are in the ~10% range +/-relative to the S&P (2021, 2H’23, 1H’24)….BUY BUY BUY….? GS Just another violent pullback On Semis, JPM TMT specialist

Chinese property sinks faster

July 24, 2024 - 10:00 -- Admin

Chinese property sales are going nowhere: All cities down: Marginal progress on inventory: Completions down but not out: It’s all coming from the top: Chinese economists say they can’t tell whether their proposals are being heeded, with officials mostly nodding and taking notes in meetings, the people added. Comments from prominent analysts are deemed noise

Iron ore trapdoor opens

July 24, 2024 - 09:30 -- Admin

It had to happen and it is. SGX iron ore futures cracked yesterday: Mad Dalian broke support: Coking coal is in the bottomless pit: It ain’t complex: Iron ore crumbled below $100 a ton as a policy meeting in China failed to deliver major stimulus, while supplies stayed strong. We still have the Poliburo meeting over

Aussie flash PMI stagflates

July 24, 2024 - 09:06 -- Admin

The Judo Bank flash PMI is pulling back but hardly swiftly. Flash Australia Composite PMI Output Index: 50.2 (June: 50.7), 6-month low Flash Australia Services PMI Business Activity Index: 50.8 (June: 51.2), 6-month low Flash Australia Manufacturing PMI Output Index: 46.3 (June: 46.8), 4-month low Flash Australia Manufacturing PMI: 47.4 (June: 47.2), 2-month high Business

Macro Morning

July 24, 2024 - 09:00 -- Admin

Tech stock earnings dominated the risk flow overnight, leaving Wall Street with a flat finish while a surging German DAX was the only thing keeping European shares afloat as Euro and other major currency pairs fell back further under the weight of a stronger USD. All but Yen of course which continues to appreciate while
