
Oz Blog News Commentary

QUEENSWAY by george galloway — the yuckrainian nazis are now inside number 10.....

September 16, 2024 - 14:17 -- Admin

On at least one occasion I have made jokes about Galloway’s tendency to wear a hat indoors, a wide brimmed fedora that places him somewhere between Marlon Brando’s Sky Masterson and Robert Mitchum’s Reverend Harry Powell.

It’s a strong look and one, it turns out, not motivated by sheer vanity. I recently discovered, while watching George chat with his friend Steve Topple online (I live a very full life), that Galloway claims he wears the hat to cover the scars he bears after he was assaulted in 2014 (by one Neil Masterson). If this is true, then frankly, the hat wearing is his business and his alone, though I would add that it’s better at least that he wears a snazzy fedora than a forlorn baseball cap. So, chapeau, George.


It’s a novel. By George Galloway. What did you expect?By Padraig Reidy


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